Congrats to all those recepients of Gemini Awards (you know who you are) thus far (yes, four nights to distribute the awards is really spreading it out...but hey, what can you do) - including the Earle Grey Award to actor Donnelly Rhodes who I had pleasure of working with many many years ago.
The final Gala Awards night will be held November 4, 2006 in Vancouver.
Kudo's and good luck 'till then.
Also a tip of the hat to recent winners at the DGC Awards (that's Director's Guild of Canada to those outside the country, and the industry I suppose) held last weekend.
Four nights?
Do they show clips of the nominees or the whole shows?
Actually Will, the final night is in Vancouver.
The Geminis have a lot more categories. They don't just honor Drama/Comedy programming -- also News, Documentary, Children's TV, Talk shows, Lifestyle shows.
Hence, lotsa nights.
But yeah. Too many categories.
Doh...knew that and then typed TO. Thanks Dmc - will edit accordingly
Donnelly Rhodes won a special award? Coooooooooool. He was the highlight of Da Vinci all those years...enough so to make me forget Danger Bay.
Too bad they didn't put his award on the televised event. Guess they needed the room for a few more unfunny skits.
Uh oh, "worked with him many years ago". Dixon, I hope I didn't just insult you with my Danger Bay comment.....
no, just kidding Callaghan - 'Danger Bay' was even before my time, though just barely...
Will, can you write a craft post? I need help thinking how to clean up my lead's emotional arc. I need to get this puppy tightened up and I'm having problems rebooting my brain. Pretty please? Maybe just a little pep talk about how you approach a restructure, what questions you ask yourself, what your process is to rethink a story?
Danger Bay was worth it just for the opening credits.
...and I thought ALL my posts were craft posts.
The lifestyle show I worked on didn't win its nomination. I am choosing to believe it is bad karma -- after I left in September they took me out of all the credits for the new episodes (bastards).
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