the hell?
So did Hart think: "Hmmm...I want...mmm...Billy Gibbons from ZZ Top to play Angela's father"? Or did the great bearded one let someone at the show know he had a hankering to act?

Either way, they got him.
Very cool.
La Grange cool.
....but my head's in Mississippi.
Yup, it was him - he showed up in the first season, too.
Every girl crazy bout a sharp dressed man.
Groovy, baby. Loved the cameo.
He was great, but the whole episode, well, sucked. And it pains me to say that because we love the Hart. It felt really disjointed, like, let's hurry up and get the forensics done so we can screw up the wedding. I was really disappointed in it.
Yes Caro, kinda have to much as the Hart is da man. Felt like not enough mystery and several relationship threads that never quite got fully realized. Some nice scenes, though.
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