I racked my brain for a good holiday story but came up empty, and didn't have the energy right now to just make one up. So keep writing, creating, producing entertaining stories for film and television...it all starts there, don't forget that.
And not to end the year guilty of not listening to the ladies in the hut, a little holiday present...

...so Moon Bloodgood can make one final appearance:

(Okay - so it's not really her but hey...it seemed appropriate. And it never hurts to wish, right?)
Wish? Did somebody say wish?!
Happy Holidays!
Cool videos. You'll have to e-mail me and tell me how you insert them right into your blog..
Happy Christmas, WC.
Merry Christmas, Will! And to all of you from me, a little Christmas serenade.
Have a really great Christmas. Hope you all have a good time and the kittie doesn't get too over excited.
Wow, I hope I wake up Christmas morning with Moon Bloodgood in my stocking. Heck, even the fake MB will do.
Very best wishes for the New Year.
Merry Christmas, Will.
I love Pee Wee. I don't know how much you may have delved into my main 101squadron.com site other than the blog, but Paul Reubens's dad flew in the squadron.
Hey!!! You promised you'd never show that picture of me as your secret Santa to anyone!
Merry Christmas to you and the kids, Will.
Merry Christmas!
Errrr thank you for the questionable x-mas gifts Will... Y merry christmas to you too!
Merry Christmas, Will!
Merry Christmas to you, Will.
Happy Holidays! All the best in the New Year.
I bet that first guy doesn't have a pee-wee... I'm taking one day off where I am not writing (Dec 25) so that doesn't mean you have to slack haha... Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas! I would say thanks for the pic, but ... eew.
I can't really concentrate on the hotness of the dude because I am distracted by the though of how much that hay must make his balls itch.
But thanks for the thought. Merry Christmas.
I was all ready to wish you a Happy Christmas, scrolling down through the comments, until Emily went and threw in the comment about straw and itchy balls... Young lady, you haven't got remotely a filthy enough mind for the season. I command you to consume enough booze to fell a rhino and sing Christmas ditties!
Will, have a great time and see in the New Year in style!
Merry XXX-mas, Will. Where'd you find that pic of my ex-boyfriend? ;-)
And to all a good night. Have a great one.
And Will...you know I wouldn't kid about this...
Today I got notes. On a script.
Fa la la la la, la la, la. la.
From the generous amount of hay strewn suggestively across Sexy Santa's hip, none of the ladies should be complaining how itchy his b*lls might be. I'm betting he's no Pee Wee at any rate...back me up on this one, Diva.
Sorry Jim, I thought the hat would disguise you.
"I have notes for yewwww!"
That's how every day started with HEP (hyperactive exec producer)...not a 'Hey how are you?' or even a 'Good morning...'
I started to twitch even before I hit the office.
Have a good one, one and all.
Merry christmas!!
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