So no link. I'm sure everyone has seen it already.
The second most viewed was 'Numa Numa' at 700 million - never seen it or heard of it until today.

Guy lip-syncing to a European dance song. Amusing I suppose.
And third is the Paris Hilton sex tape at 400 million.

No surprise there. I was besieged with requests as to whether I wanted it when it first hit the net (much like the Pam Anderson tape) but passed. Maybe it was pretty good. I dunno.
Why the fascination and popularity with these clips? I mean, I know they are like internet candy, little treats you can share with friends for their entertainment or amusement. Sort of like Friday Fun. But 900 million times? Still shaking my head.
I wonder if these will get surpassed by the Britney Spears upskirt of this past week? I read at one site that he was getting 200,000 hits an hour looking for those pics. An hour.
Is this just a guy thing? Or are the ladies trolling for and sharing such tasty tidbits as well. What's the female equivalent of a 'nipple slip'?
Just curious....
FYI: The top ten were as follows:
1. Star Wars Kid (900 million views): 15-year-old Ghislain Raza enacts a light-sabre fight, waving a golf-ball retriever in place of the Jedi weapon.
2. Numa Numa (700 million views): 19-year-old Gary Brolsma, also known as "Numa Numa," lip-synchs to a Romanian pop hit.
3. One Night in Paris (400 million views, contains very explicit content): Hotel heiress Paris Hilton in a now notorious sex-romp with then-boyfriend Rick Solomon
4. Kylie Minogue - Agent Provocateur (360 million views, contains explicit content): Pop singer Kylie Minogue gyrates through a raunchy lingerie ad for company Agent Provocateur.
5. The Exploding Whale (350 million views): A dead whale is blown to bits by dynamite.
6. John West Salmon Bear Fight (300 million views): A man battles a bear for salmon at riverside.
7. Trojan Games (300 million views, explicit content): A U.S. condom ad depicts Olympic athletes in a fictional sex championship.
8. Kolla2001 (200 million views): Footage of young dancers from an L.A.-based talent show, "Kollaboration 2001."
9. AfroNinja (80 million views): An attempted backflip by a would-be ninja goes wrong.
10. The Shining Redux (50 million views): A short film that reworks footage of the classic horror film to give it a happy ending.
This one time...
At band camp...
Somebody sent me the Pam and Tommy video before it exploded. Everybody in the production office wanted to see it, so I stuck it on the TV in my office. After about 5 minutes, I had to leave. It was just too personal and I felt like I was intruding.
Have the same feeling about a lot of the stuff that's posted on Youtube. yes, it's funny or charming or cool and insightful. But it's also -- private.
Mark Cuban calls online videos, "time wasters" the new tabloids, magazines or trash novels, something we indulge in because we're bored or at loose ends. Smething with shich we'll soon become bored of as well.
I agree -- and those well written and carefully crafted "Family Guy" vomit videos are way better.
Hey, I'd never heard of that Star Wars kid.
And as an obscenely well-endowed man I found that Pam and Tommy video extremely educational!
Oh good grief.
Checked out the "Star Wars kid'. Watched about twenty seconds then realised life is just too short.
Kylie Minogue - Agent Provocateur was a cinema ad, right?
Love the bear fight because, again, it's a commercial, so it's well made.
Haven't seen the Paris Hilton tape (nor the Pam and Tommy for that matter). Am I really missing out? 'Cause, I mean it's people doing it, right? Cor...!
Will, after my initial reaction to Boston Legal, I take it all back. It's a really funny show.
"Britney upskirt?" "Paris sex tape"? Boy, Will, you are seriously trolling for hits, aren't you?
Let us know how your traffic spikes, huh?
this is why google bought youtube. these videos are going out on cellphones. the money paid by the cell companies for that content is - well it's obscene. i don't know how google will solve the legal issues. but the money they get from the cellphone companies will surely cover the lawsuits.
i need some hits. i haven't written anything of substance in weeks. maybe that upskirt shot of condy rice..... hmmm.
Hits pretty minimal, Alex. I don't have the goods so don't get the numbers.
'The sea was angry that day my friends...'
'How's that novel coming along, Brian?'
con tinue to be far more popular searches that end up here.
Well if you could get 300 million hits and charge just a nickel per download...via Paypal, etc...
(Does grade school math and fails. Grabs calculator)
And even if it weren't pay per view but advertiser based, you'd still consider it...
A few weeks ago, I checked out YouTube to revisit the 80s with some of my favorite music videos from Duran Duran, The Eurythmics, George Michael, Howard Jones, The Bangles etc., and I stumbled upon this Vanity 6 "Nasty Girl" video being lip-synched by a gorgeous, near jail-bait-aged girl named Ashley Williams. Holy Jesus, if I was a man I surely would've had a boner after watching that one! Gang, if you want to check it out, here's the link (hope it doesn't break).
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