Why? Because for all of our muttering and speculating and whining and kvetching about the entertainment business, she actually did something about it and created TV Eh? What's Up In Canadian Television - a website/blog and forum devoted to promoting our industry with program schedules, airdates, news, and reviews.
She just posted her New Year's resolutions, this was number 8...
8. Latch on to some random industry I know little about and launch a website to promote it.She should cross this one off the list, because she already did it. For that, she should be appreciated and aknowledged.
Thanks Diane.
Aw, that's sweet, you unredeemed ass-kisser.
Diane is clearly the shiznit. Even if she did just post the cat.
Aww, thanks Will. That's really nice. Yeah, that resolution was poking a little fun at myself for doing just that. But ... gay? Are you calling me a tranny?
I did post the cat. I may post the cat again. But I posted the cat trying to smother me with loooove – he's not even going to wait for me to fall in the shower or choke on a ham sandwich.
Boy oh boy...just trying to show a little love and get called down for bum smooching and some sort of transsexism - I'm going back to bed.
Although Diane, if we were to analyze some of your more recent comments:
re: Howie Mandell "I loved Howie in this, but ... eww. Not as any kind of sex symbol."
re: Sexy Santa "I would say thanks for the pic, but ... eew."
re: Lisa de Moraes "I have a total girl crush on Lisa de Moraes, that Washington Post reporter."
...I'm not sure what we're supposed to think.
Still, thanks again. John Cougar Mellencamp would be proud.
I don't mean to sound like an idiot, but is there a channel in the states that airs Canadian television? Akin to BBC for the Brits? I recall only ever being able to watch Canadian TV when I'm actually IN Canada, and I haven't been there in some time.
Yay for you, sister friend. Good on Will for the shout out to you, well deserved.
Editthis, the short answer is no. We don't have enough self esteem for that. There used to be a CBC International feed but it died some time ago. You can see some things on various channels (hmmm, Diane, a possible project for you ...) but not everything airs south of the border yet.
Somebody should launch a channel on DirecTV or Dish Network, darn it. There's enough of us living down there to actually make it something people might want to subscribe to.
I'll ponder that business model.
PS Hope you are feeling better, Will.
If ANTENNA the main channel from Greece is on the Dish net, then I see no reason why you couldn't get a CBC feed...
For it to really work, you'd want a mix of current and retro from all the main networks to really make people get a sense of the depth and breadth and history of our unique culture (yes, we do actually have one if we dig deep enough). Even Canadians don't want to watch CBC, I doubt anyone outside our borders would either, even ex-pats.
(hmmm, Diane, a possible project for you ...)
Erm, yeah, thanks sister friend. I'll add that to my resolutions.
I was thinking the same thing about CBC. If we don't watch it, why would Americans? Sigh. There's a site that kinda, sorta mentions some of the Canadian dramas that are available down there (scroll down to The Shows). That's not its purpose, though, and it's a bit idiosyncratic in what shows it profiles - hour dramas, not coproductions, identifiably set in Canada, unless the site operator likes them anyway, or they were produced during the first full moon after Labour Day. Something like that.
That's agenda reviewing at its finest.
The short answer for editthis, who wants a "one stop channel" for Canadian TV is that that won't happen, generally because the economics of getting the show made usually means that you have to have a pre-sale to get it financed. And those pre-sales go to all sorts of networks.
Falcon Beach --- > ABC Family
The Best Years
Degrassi ------> The N
Blood Ties -----> Lifetime
There won't be "one channel" because all different channels have to get involved in order to finance the thing.
U.S. border towns have been getting the CBC for years.
The only new thing is WGN and superstations like that who have, through Davinci and Cold Squad, found a reason to show "new to you" dramas down south.
In this one case, I don't think it's an inferiority complex. The scattering of Canadian product purely has to do with the deal.
But somehow I still fervently believe that Diane can change all that.
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