1. I grew up in a house of pets which at one time had 13 cats when two females had kittens at the same time. There was also a dog, some gerbils, and a couple of rabbits. And no, we didn't live on a farm.
2. I once spent ten days in the hospital waiting to pass a kidney stone that was 'stuck'. Morphine is a beautiful thing. Everyday began with a discussion of whether to operate or not. I chose to wait it out. Like I said, morphine is a beautiful thing.

4. While at a Toronto Film Festival party, I lent actor Eric Roberts a cigarette, but was so starstruck that when he tried to engage me in conversation, I dried up and pointed to my throat and said I had laryngitis. He finally gave up and wandered off shaking his head.
5. I wrote record reviews for my high school and university newspapers in my column entitled 'DISC-ussion'. Albums were graded out of 10. My fav review was of a Trooper lp that concluded it was "just a 3 dressed up as a 9."
Which one is false? Knock yourselves out.
I say you nailed Susanna.
And good on you for that. My hero...
Sweet! Have no idea but for your sake I hope the kidney stone story isn't true. The pain!!!
I'm gonna say number 4, 'cause I can't really imagine you stuck for conversation.
hey great minds OR!
A good prairie boy like you? I'm sure you must have lived on a farm AND fantasized about the Bangles! My money is on #1 not being true.... at least the not living on a farm part!
Hmmm, your kidney stone sounds pretty real. I want to say #4 but will say #5 because it seems too obvious, and just to be contrary. I have no clue really, but I enjoy these games. Perhaps I'll play later.
3 is wrong. It was a Gino Vannelli concert.
I don't believe number 5. It's all too easy. But I suck at this game, so I'm probably wrong.
They all sound plausible but I'm going to plump for... number three.
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