Monday, June 29, 2009

Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

First, we write it.

Then we try to sell it, and we rewrite it again. Then they try to develop it, and we rewrite it again. Then they try to finance it, and we rewrite it again. Then they try to cast it, and we rewrite it again. Then they try to direct it, and we re write it again. Then they try to film it, and we rewrite it again. Then they try to edit it, and we rewrite it again.

It's what I call the circle of (writing a shows) life.

It may all start with your 'idea', but unless you're independently wealthy and incredibly multi-talented, producing movies and television is a collaborative medium. Beginning screenwriters may think they only have to write it well once, but developing and financing and directing and casting and shooting inevitably leads to rewriting and rewriting and rewriting some more.

Successfully navigating and ultimately appeasing the different masters and monsters at each stage of the 'making' of a film or television program...that's really the work and the job* of a screenwriter all wrapped up into one.

Hakuna Matata.

*not that I'd ever call John August or John Gatins 'wrong'...I just see it a little differently


ron oliver said...

i believe you meant to say "write it WELL once"....

sigh. writers. just because you gave birth to the baby doesn't mean it's going to grow up to be President ya know!

English Dave said...

''just because you gave birth to the baby doesn't mean it's going to grow up to be President ya know!''

And just because a horse is a bucket doesn't mean it's going to become a nectarine!
Sigh Directors and producers. lol

Well said Will. It's a collaborative process. Bend over.

as someone else said. lol

ron oliver said...

"...a horse is a bucket.."?

ah, you surrealists....