Monday, November 27, 2006

Ugh...I Don't Be-lieve You!

So I started a post about achieving what I like to call The 80% Solution when swept up in the insanity that can be filming a tv series....but it was feeling too much like work, so I stopped. Then I began another post about ways to try to manage the notes and potential endless rewrites that can come from tv networks, exec producers, etc. when you're working on a tv series...but it felt dry and technical and who cares, so I stopped. Then I went back to a post I started a while back about creating turns and twists in your story entitled: What is It? What is It Really?...but it felt unfocused and meandering, and I didn't feel up to focusing it, so I saved it to draft again. How about what did I do this weekend?...boring...or 'bo-ring'.

It was then I remembered the words of great stage acting teacher Stanislavsky..."From the moment of the appearance of if the actor passes from the plane of actual reality into the plane of another life, created and imagined by himself. Believing in this life, the actor can begin to create."

Lee Strasberg took the Stanislavsky method and adapted it for two generations of American actors. Strasberg said one important thing about acting: "it must seem that this has never taken place before, that no one has seen this actress before, that this actress has never done this before, and that in fact she's not an actress."

The story goes an actress was supposed to come on the stage and find a letter hidden in a desk drawer. She flutters onto the stage, glances around a few times and then walks straight to the desk and opens the drawer.

From the back of the theatre, cloaked in darkness, Strasberg (or Stanislavsky, I can't remember) bellows: "I don't be-lieve you!"

The way we need to 'believe' the actors playing the characters on stage or screen, we as writers we need to believe what we're writing. I'm not talking true or false, or fantasy or reality - but to believe what is being written is fresh and real and true and honest and engaging and entertaining.

I wasn't believing my writing tonight.

Should it be this difficult? Blogging is supposed to be the fun part. But I guess sometimes we get tired of our own voice and need some inspiration from others.

So feel free to suggest something interesting to write about in the comments and I'll do my best to comply in a 'believable' post.

This is otherwise known as pulling a DMc


Crashdummie said...

Well you can start by explaining to us mortals what a "DMc" is... ;)

Scott Stambler said...

look in the mirror, friend. see what i see.

here's what i see:

damn, that WC, he can write a post. I gotta learn his trick. I think it always involves a question that sucks the readers in. me, i post anecdotage which only reminds me i ought to retire.

suggestion: none. okay. turn off verification.

wcdixon said...

Thanks for kind words Portnoy..and a most inspirational post today - still digesting.

And crashdummie, all pulling a DMc means is when our fav blogger at DeadThingsOnSticks puts out a call for post suggestions

ME said...

Will, I concur with Portnoy. I keep coming back because I love your perspective on things and think you do have a unique voice, in blogland and in life. Well, that and you're really nice and funny and kinda cute, but mostly for the writing ;-) So nope, no suggestions. But keep it coming.

Good Dog said...

You know, I find there are posts that I can real off and others that I start and then find myself bashing my head against the wall over.

I finish them, maybe later than planned, because I'm not going to let it beat me.

I would say it's all part of life's rich tapesty, but if I did you'll all have to come around and kill me!