So finally some good news, for me at least. Just was hired to join the writing staff of a existing teen drama tv series which should take me until almost Xmas.
Believe me, I am thrilled and grateful.
Thrilled because as much fun it is to develop projects or direct now and then, nothing beats being in the trenches breaking and writing stories, troubleshooting production problems, interacting with crew and cast and network execs, trying to help keep the speeding train that is series television on the tracks...really, nothing beats it.
Grateful because when life intervenes and personal shit forces you to essentially withdraw your name from the freelance work table for an extended period of time - it doesn't take long, especially in the fast-moving 'chew em up and spit em out' television/entertainment business, for you to land on the 'where are they now?' pile. Pleased to have an answer to that question.
Ironically, this didn't come about as a direct result of the Banff TV Fest - the most promising deal from there still sits in limbo - though I'm sure just showing up at Banff and presenting yourself as alive and still playing the game never hurts.
Am sitting down with the show producers later this week and will broach the blog with them. Hopefully they won't mind me 'anecdotally observing and informing' - my intent wouldn't be to just dish dirt...
So I'll either be posting less because I'm busy and there's a gag order...or posting as much as I can manage about the behind the scenes of a tv series in production...
Either way, it's still good...all good.

SONG & ARTIST? - "I've listened to preachers
I've listened to fools
I've watched all the dropouts
Who make their own rules
One person conditioned to rule and control
The media sells it and you have the role
Mental wounds still screaming
Driving me insane
I'm going off the rails on a..."
Ahhh.. Now that is cool news.
My bet is you will be visiting.. a certain beach named after predatory bird?
Good stuff man- go kick em in the a good way...with words and such.
Fantastic news! Hopefully you'll be able to give us all some reports from the trenches, but we'll forgive if you have to keep schtum.
The Ozzmeister - Crazy Train, BTW. Listening to it now... ;-)
"greatful" Please excuse the edit.
And kudos to riddley for bang on song/artist answer...
Awesome, dude! I'm thrilled to hear the good news.
It's Whistler, isn't it? C'mon, you can tell me.
Great news! Looking forward to updates.
Mazel Tov, Will. that's grand news.
Ah, that's fantastic news, fella. I hope it goes really well.
If you can post reports on UIJ, we'll ship some pigeons your way.
Don't broach the subject of blogging. Not for a second. In all seriousness.
Or even if you can't post reports...
Have a hell of a good time!
Congratulations! That's great news.
Will, that's great news! Congratulations. Hopefully it won't mean an end to this blog that has become a daily visit for a lot of us. But if it does, then it's a price worth paying for a new gig.
Knock 'em dead!
By the way, I'm interested to hear if they are located in your neck of the woods, or if you'll have to relocate? Reason I ask is, as a new kid at this party (the party being Canadian dramatic tv), I always just assume that it's Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver or bust. How wrong am I?
Feelin' the love...definitely feelin' the love.
Cheers all...
Congratulations, Will. I'm with ED about the blog - don't mention it, don't abandon it, but stay circumspect when it comes to blogging about work.
watch it the years tick past, I'm quickly heading toward being one of 'those' producers
Very cool that you don't have to relocate. Interesting how there are some dramatic series outside of the big three cities. Worked out perfectly for you.
And don't apologize for the secrecy....a paycheque is way more important than a blog!
I'll be looking for lots of subtext on this show.
It's Whistler! Tell me it's Whistler. You're killin' me here, dude.
Very cool.
Spill the beans, but not all over the floor okay?
congratulations! tell us which one it is so we can watch
i meant, tell us in private! we don't want you to get dooced.
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