If I Was Your 'Mipcom'Friend...
This C21 article by Caroline Beaton is a nice primer for newbies traveling to the markets...lots of good advice, like:
Don't underestimate the power of the cocktail hour. Each day there will be lots of parties to choose from, so beg and blag your way in. If you end up indulging in any Mipcom hanky panky, the market etiquette is:
Not to arrive late for work the next day.
Not to brag about it.
Once you've seen them without your champagne goggles on, probably not to do it again.
Read and learn...cuz though Mipcom in Cannes is on right now, there's AFM coming up at the end of the month.
Is Heroes 'Lost'?
The writers at Variety's Season Pass seem to think so, among other things...
Enough with the really bad product placement. Four words: "Oh, Dad! The Rogue?!" Right-- because a new crossover from Nissan is what every teen girl wants these days. And while we're on the promo soapbox, how 'bout you cut back on the constant on-screen promos for "Heroes" comicbooks, websites, cookbooks, plush toys.... One promo tells viewers to "discover more while you watch" by going to NBC.com. I'm sorry, NBC, but this season is confusing enough without surfing over to "Heroes" websites while I try to figure out this show.
I was on the fence by the end of last season (which was only Heroes first, remember)...and have found myself struggling to stay on that fence this season. Too much hype, too much characters and storylines, too 'meh' villains', too much pressure...say no more. These kinds of TV shows succeed when they are hovering on or under the radar of the masses. They stay cool that way. If everyone's paying attention, well...
'Intelligence' Is Everywhere!
Not only is the gritty CBC drama back on the air and sizzling up the small screen, McGrath recently related that the series is in development with the U.S. Fox Network. And now it seems there's a new a workplace comedy about an elite counter-intelligence unit hidden undercover as disgruntled civil servants in development at HBO entitled...you guessed it, Intelligence.
And...just because.

We may have a challenger for Bloodgood's crown, Life's Sarah Shahi!
Moon says...'Bring it on!'
As much as I enjoyed Heroes last season, Season 2 is definitely weak so far. I wish they'd just devote entire episodes to a character's (or 2) storyline rather than jumping between 5.
Like how they devoted episodes in Lost Season 3 to the whole Desmond/Charlie situation.
Also, Hiro and Ando are a great duo, but once again we see them split up and not surprisingly, it's just not as good. Ando is like my Lloyd from Entourage. We need more face time with them. Granted we're only a few episodes into the season, so hopefully they slow it down.
I'm sorry (no I'm not) but the folks at SEASON PASS are forgetting one simple fact when it comes to their not logging onto the net to learn more:
The comics and chat rooms and other stuff isn't made for them. It's made for the kids who have grown up always having a personal computer in the house or school. It's made for the kids with the short attention spans that juggle multiple storylines (like a soap opera) with ease.
Granted, that doesn't excuse the relatively lackluster beginning of the HEROES season 2 (as well as BIONIC WOMAN), but the kids ARE going to log on and find out what they are missing, or make their opinion known if they know where to go.
You can blame X-FILES for starting it.
And let's face the fact here and now that a strong web presence and traffic for a show IS a deciding factor on whether it gets picked up for additional episodes. It has to go in the producers' game plan because it's a relatively cheap way to get more market value for the property.
Re: Season Pass's rant on product placement -- find a way to make shows cheaper and we won't have it; but tell everyone because there have been several instances when the networks have shut down product placement even when it made perfect sense for that character to use that car, that computer or that cell phone. The companies in question were also giving the stuff away early in the development/production process - during the pilot.
pghbokcGotta hand it to Bill, he won't let it slide.
"Just walk away, and there'll be an end to the horror."
Lord Humungus
(now there's a villain Heroes could use)
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