'Miami Vice' was a real disappointment. Distancing and disjointed, stoic performances and a plot that barely made sense...other than some cool HD cinematography, I walked away feeling severely let down by Michael Mann and company.

And if there's anyone out there who's seen the film and can explain to me the meaning of the line "luck means time" or whatever it was Li Gong kept saying, I'd be most grateful...
SONG&ARTIST? - Well, if you told me you were drowning
I would not lend a hand
Ive seen your face before my friend
But I dont know if you know who I am
Well, I was there and I saw what you did
I saw it with my own two eyes
So you can wipe off the grin, I know where youve been
Its all been a pack of lies
Ahh, Yes I saw it last night, and while I enjoy watching Mann films for the pleasure of his style, I have to admit you are right. The story and characterization were not there.
Actually, I think the story was fine for what it was, but the characters were far more cool than they were human.
I think if he had somehow made us believe in the love affair, and perhaps have Sunny and Rico show a little humanity (as in "holy shit, we were Miami cops, now we're in South America meeting with The Man")
But the shootouts were great; the visuals were stunning, the dialogue, while hard to follow, was crisp.
I'm a sucker for Michael Mann, and don't mind his failures. I love how his camera wanders around the scenery.
However after Collateral and Vice, I'm ready for him to do a political thriller.
I would LOVE for him to do something about the CIA in Afghanistan or Iraq, or perhaps about a journalist in similar setting.
"time is luck" Life is luck. Life is short. Live it while you can.
I think it's a metaphore for showering with hot women.
HA! 'showering with hot women' metaphor - still chuckling about that one.
You're still being too generous, Jutra...I'm a big Mann fan and was giving him and the film all those little pluses you mention (stunning visuals, crisp dialogue) earlier last night...and then said "wait a sec - it just wasn't that good"
Call me crazy but I'm ready to see it again :)
regarding your question, wcd, the ending we saw at the sneak preview was:
The last scene is Trudy wakes up, Tubbs calls a nurse, Sonny walks towards the Hospital and the screen went black and the Miami Vice logo came up.
Did they add anything onto it after the sneak preview?
nice call rk - because that was as it played on weekend...and left a lot of us turning to person beside us and saying 'huh?'...not only was it a sort of non-beat, but where they cut almost felt like a mistake...either cut to something else or at least let him finish entering the hostpital..hmmm...
jutra - I'm starting to worry about you...
Luck is time. Time isn't money, time is luck. A bit Yoda, true, but hell, we get it! :)
And I'm incliend to agree. Monday mornings are hell. In at the office at 5:45 this morning, ulcer's acting up, people are yelling at me over the phone and yeah, I'm running slightly behind schedule (think Fat Boy Slim's video "Right here, right now")... luck IS time!
Really? All I get is a Dirty Harry association, don't ask my why. "Go on punk, make my day" - ok, he didn't actually say that but still...
Meaning you should consider yourself lucky if you don't get killed & that you should live every day as if it was your last - cuz one day it will be...
Howz that for early Monday philosophy.
PS. But I guess if u r a guy u'd prefer juratest interpretation... :p
Hi, I'm a new visitor, just thought I'd leave a fingerprint.
Oh, your song is Phil Collins, "In the air tonight" - yes?
chris wins! well, there's no prize but a tip of my hat...thanks for visiting
Hart/Crashie - okay okay live life full etc. ... a bit obtuse but accepted. Now about the showering with hot women, the movie had not one but TWO such scenes...welcome to Miami.
Will, have you listened to Phil's son's music? Wow, does Simon ever sound (and look) like his dad. "Time for Truth" has a real Genesis/early solo Phil sound, reminiscent of "In the Air Tonight" a long-time favourite of mine, as well. I intend to acquire some of Simon's music for my show.
I'm pretty sure Miami vice is gonna suck - whether it's the lackluster trailers or people who have seen it and said it sucked. It really is a flick where I don't care - I'm going to see it. There aren't many of those kind of flicks, where you know it won't be good but you're still stoked to see it. It's defintely that kinda movie. Mann is good, for sure, but lately his work has not had the kind of focus and staying power that it could. Like, Collateral was good, but do I need to see it again? Not so much. And the end was not as suprising as they'd like to think, either. Alas, Cruise was excellent in it, as he was in Magnolia.
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