Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Carolina and Chicago - Playing Them Off

Speaking of playing em off, it looks like Detroit and Pittsburgh will be playin' off Chicago and Carolina over the next couple days as they both have a virtual strangleholds on their respective series'...unless Osgood and Fleury start pulling a lot of Toskala's.

But as far as our Playoff Pool goes, we have a new leader: Moviequill!

1. Moviequill - 175
2. Will Pascoe - 174
3. Michael Foster - 170
4. Mark Wilson - 163
5. Brian Stockton - 159
6. Allan Eastman - 157
7. John Callaghan - 156
7. David Kinahan - 156
9. Peter Mitchell - 155
10. Barry Keifl - 151
11. Larry Raskin - 149
12. Scotty William - 129
13. Will Dixon - 124
14. Wil Zmak - 122
15. Jim Henshaw - 119
16. Jeff Martel - 117
17. Daryl Davis - 100
18. Denis McGrath - 71

It's gonna be a race to the finish, stay tuned. Uncle Jim will have another update end of week.

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