Thursday, March 17, 2011

The #wantCancon Twitter Discussion

The #wantCancon Twitter discussion was prompted by a recent announcement by Telefilm Canada and the CMF (Canada Media Fund) that they were launching an national initiative in April to enhance visibility and expand audiences for Canadian content. Check out the press release HERE.

"The goal is to establish dynamic public-private partnerships, to generate innovative ideas and locally tailored solutions to improve the visibility of, and demand for all Canadian content: feature film, television and interactive digital media."

This initiative was no doubt inspired by the lack of success of the infamous 5% solution - a Telefilm devised measuring stick of Canadian film performance via box office returns - thus causing a need to reevaluate the ruler and 'move the goalposts' as it were...outlined HERE. But since I've seen a lot of studies get commissioned and reports get reported and initiatives get initiated over the years - which usually meant waiting a year or so for a bound pretty printed document to be released that would, after a lot of meetings and consultations and lobbying and hearings, explain the 'state of the industry' and a list of 'ways to fix or improve it'...but wouldn't really, or at least wouldn't seem to go far enough because nobody wants to upset the applecart too much or something. So I figured: Hey I know a lot of smart industry people with good ideas about how to increase visibility and demand of Canadian content....why wait...let's start talking now, on Twitter.

I've posted the transcript mostly just to have a record of this valuable and informative discussion, but also to demonstrate how difficult achieving any new initiatives will be. The problems with visibility and demand for our Canadian Film & Television & New Media industry have been the same problems for a long long time. For example, read this piece by John Harkness entitled "3 Modest Proposals for the Canadian Film Industry" written over 15 years ago HERE. And then read this article summarizing a Canadian Film Industry policy review written more than 5 years ago HERE. It's shocking how many of the problems in our business still exist today and sobering how many of the suggested proposals or changes could work but still haven't been implemented or tried even. Because the changes would be radical. And no one likes radical change.

The following is a transcript of the hundreds of tweets contributed by dozens of generous tweeters. I also know of several dozen sidebar discussions about same subject that went on at the same time but didn't use the #wantCancon hashtag. I know it is kinda hard to follow because of the Twitter 140 character restriction, but if you read with attention it more or less tracks. A lot of really great suggestions were made and, yes, radical ideas for change were presented...thanks to all who played for playing.

Transcript from March 12, 2011 to March 17, 2011

March 12, 2011

6:49 pm wcdixon: Read the Telefilm/CMF release and let's start listing strategies to increase demand/visibilty at #wantCancon

6:51 pm wcdixon: Seriously, why wait for a report released a year from now? List strategies for increasing demand and visibility of Cancon at #wantCancon

8:41 pm DecencyLegion: Start by replacing anybody at Telefilm with more than 5 years seniority. Why keep rewarding failure at mapping the future. #wantCancon

8:42 pm DecencyLegion: They do it with a losing hockey or baseball team and it works. #wantCancon

9:04 pm wcdixon: @DecencyLegion Well if you're gonna follow that path you should replace the development & production execs at most of the TV networks. #wantCancon

9:05 pm wcdixon: @DecencyLegion And in feature film land replace most of the decision makers at most of the Canadian distribution companies. #wantCancon

9:13 pm wcdixon: I actually wasn't going to go to the 'just make good shows' place as strategy to increase demand/visibility for Canadian content... #wantCancon

9:15 pm wcdixon: 'Good shows' is very subjective...better shot at success taking aim at gatekeepers - movie exhibitors, TV networks, and ISP's. #wantCancon

9:18 pm wcdixon: More Cancon on more movie screens/TV channels/websites all being better promoted will go long way to increase demand/visibility #wantCancon

9:21 pm wcdixon: And I DON'T believe the answer is to do more US/Canada movie or TV co-productions or relax funding rules to allow Hollywood types in #wantCancon

9:23 pm JasonChesworth: RT @wcdixon: I DON'T believe the answer is to do more US/Canada movie or TV co-productions or relax funding rules to allow Hollywood types in #wantCancon

9:33 pm lol_tori: Interesting discussion on this hashtag #wantCancon

9:56 pm ZaNiaCmedic: As @heywriterboy said, CanCon shouldn't mean more beavers on screen. Anything written by a Cdn will have CanCon perspective. #WantCanCon

10:03 pm wcdixon: RT @madpulpbastard Remove simulcasting. It has undercut you... Don't try to be "Hollywood North" different to be noticed. #wantCancon

10:28 pm DecencyLegion: Agree w/ @heywriterboy & @madpulpbastard Much good Cancon never passes gatekeepers if there's no Beavers or US copycatting (1/2) #wantCancon

10:30 pm DecencyLegion: Canadian Gatekeepers need to be directed to serve Canadian audiences and artists first. The latter come from the former. (2/2) #wantCancon

10:58 pm prairiecunning: RT @DecencyLegion: Canadian Gatekeepers need to be directed to serve Canadian audiences and artists first. The latter come from the former. (2/2) #wantCancon
11:13 pm madpulpbastard: @DecencyLegion @wcdixon - the important thing is the CON not necessarily the CAN. #wantcancon #anyconthatsgood

March 13, 2011

12:33 am debnathan: What would happen if bcasters had to pay the full shot for CanCon. No govt handouts or subsidies. #wantCancon

1:39 am carolinegodin: Marketing money. Give producers access to marketing $$ to promote shows at home since most networks won't do it. #wantcancon

1:40 am carolinegodin: Also reinstate federal export marketing fund that got killed about 3 years ago. #wantcancon

1:41 am carolinegodin: Change rules so channels can't count shows as Cancon in logs if the producer pays for the airtime. It's double dipping. #wantcancon

1:42 am jill380: RT @carolinegodin: Marketing money. Give producers access to marketing $$ to promote shows at home since most networks won't do it. #wantcancon

1:44 am carolinegodin: Add sliding scale so shows lose % value in logs after 5 yrs. Flashpoint & Littlest Hobo count for same % of Cancon for CTV. #wantcancon

1:46 am jill380: @carolinegodin great ideas. everyone of them #wantcancon

2:00 am RobboMills: RT @carolinegodin: Marketing money. Give producers access to marketing $$ to promote shows at home since most networks won't do it. #wantcancon

2:01 am RobboMills: RT @ZaNiaCmedic: As @heywriterboy said, CanCon shouldn't mean more beavers on screen. Anything written by a Cdn will have CanCon perspective. #WantCanCon

2:54 am wcdixon: RT @carolinegodin: Change rules so channels can't count shows as Cancon in logs if the producer pays for the airtime. It's double dipping. #wantcancon

2:54 am wcdixon: RT @carolinegodin: Marketing money. Give producers access to marketing $$ to promote shows at home since most networks won't do it. #wantcancon

2:54 am wcdixon: RT @carolinegodin: Add sliding scale so shows lose % value in logs after 5 yrs. Flashpoint & Littlest Hobo count for same % of Cancon for CTV. #wantcancon

2:58 am wcdixon: Keep Japan in our thoughts, but also keep listing suggestions and strategies for increasing demand/visibility of Cancon at #wantCancon

3:00 am wcdixon: RT @debnathan What would happen if broadcasters had to pay the full shot for their Canadian content. No government handouts or subsidies. #wantCancon

4:19 am DecencyLegion: Like Caroline's take on marketing and logs. Removing stale dated product would offer more new content options. Then market them! #wantCancon

4:40 am wilzmak: Howzabout we realize culture can't be mandated, monitored, graded, cajoled, imposed, stimulated, compelled, or tallied. #wantCancon

4:44 am wilzmak: Let's STOP talking about "culture." Let's not fall into that trap anymore. That quicksand. That straw man. #wantCancon

4:44 am heywriterboy: @wilzmak AGREE. Let Culture Take Care of Itself! #wantCancon

4:49 am garryoakgirl: @wilzmak okay, so we do what with Canada Council, CMF, arts councils, etc? #wantCancon

4:55 am wilzmak: There is no such thing as Canadian CONTENT... #wantCancon

4:56 am wilzmak: When cooking, would you say "butter" is French content? Nope... #wantCancon

4:58 am wilzmak: I repeat. There is no Canadian content, only Canadian EXECUTION. And that should be promoted, celebrated, & encouraged. #wantCancon

5:00 am wilzmak: Be rid of them - @garryoakgirl: okay, so we do what with Canada Council, CMF, arts councils etc? #wantCancon

5:01 am garryoakgirl: @wilzmak NO Cdn content? Repeat yet again. We have no stories, no traditions...? #wantCancon

5:06 am wilzmak: @garryoakgirl Traditions & stories we have. Plenty of them. They shouldn't become mandates. #wantCancon

5:23 am SCCreativeDev: RT @wcdixon: More Cancon on more movie screens/TV channels/websites all being better promoted will go long way to increase demand/visibility #wantCancon

5:29 am heywriterboy: .@wilzmak THORNE a total CRACKER show. Sandra Oh shows up with ridiculous Brit accent. Quebec, Can tax credits, CMF money. WTF? #wantcancon

5:30 am heywriterboy: Countries love to partner with Canada cuz we sellout our writers for a few editing & VFX jobs. #wantCancon means Canadians above line, period.

5:32 am wilzmak: Try it this way: Gov. should not promote Canadian stories, themes, content, etc. They should promote *Canadians.* Full stop. #wantcancon

5:36 am Gharv: +1 - RT @wilzmak: : Gov. should not promote Canadian stories, themes, content, etc. They should promote *Canadians.* Full stop. #wantcancon

5:38 am MediaObsessed: RT @heywriterboy: Countries love to partner with Canada cuz we sellout our writers for a few editing & VFX jobs. #wantCancon means Canadians above line, period.

5:43 am joebodolai: RT @heywriterboy: Countries love to partner with Canada cuz we sellout our writers for a few editing & VFX jobs. #wantCancon means Canadians above line, period.

6:13 am carolinegodin: @heywriterboy @wilzmak Agree re: Thorne. Terrible. IMHO, CMF as is should be nixed. Change solely to tax credit system. #wantcancon

6:22 am carolinegodin: @heywriterboy @wilzmak I'm not against co-pros if they're done right. Murdoch Mysteries good example of right way. #wantcancon

6:22 am heywriterboy: I no longer think the #CMF or the #wantCancon system can be fixed. Govt. & Networks don't want it, bureaucrats serve selves, public doesn't care.

6:24 am RobboMills: RT @carolinegodin: @heywriterboy @wilzmak Agree re: Thorne. Terrible. IMHO, CMF as is should be nixed. Change solely to tax credit system. #wantcancon

6:26 am carolinegodin: Other peeve re #CMF is versioning fund. If you didn't get CMF but make a language sale, you don't qualify. Adds insult to injury. #wantcancon

6:27 am RobboMills: Only reason gov funding agencies exist is cuz of over reaction to 70's loophole abuse & US lobby pressure. #wantcancon

6:28 am RobboMills: Simple & effective tax incentives to invest will solve it. Good luck dismantling status quo bureaucracy & defying US media lobby #wantcancon

6:29 am RobboMills: Treat it like a true "industry" & give a reason for banks & other deep pockets to play for profit. Otherwise - fuck off. #wantcancon

6:30 am carolinegodin: Also think that simulcast as is is antiquated. Either grant to any channel regardless of tier or eliminate entirely. #wantcancon

6:32 am RobboMills: All other arcane endeavours & subsidies are doomed to a self imposed structure of failure. Let it make money. #wantcancon

6:33 am RobboMills: @carolinegodin Regional production lies outside of core funding issues. Let overall industry exist in profit making structure first. #wantcancon

6:34 am RobboMills: @carolinegodin Incentives to regions should not form the basis for an entire industry structure. That is gravy. #wantcancon

6:35 am RobboMills: @carolinegodin Make it all work as a business. Make it worthwhile to attract private investment. Then incentivise regions. #wantcancon

6:36 am RobboMills: @carolinegodin US lobby in the '70's (and beyond) pushed for unmanagable bureacratic fund. Stifles true market competition. #wantcancon

6:38 am RobboMills: @carolinegodin Manage the tax issues more effectively to create environment for private & corporate investment. Kill the funds. #wantcancon

6:39 am RobboMills: But how likely is any of that to happen once it's all become so well entrenched? #wantcancon #nobodyreadthereportbyfrancisfoxdidthey

6:40 am RobboMills: We are expected to behave like a "business" but we're not allowed or encouraged to be funded like a "business". #wantcancon

6:41 am juepucta: RT @RobboMills: We are expected to behave like a "business" but we're not allowed or encouraged to be funded like a "business". #wantcancon

6:41 am RobboMills: Canadian Content will assert itself & find a world wide audience when the creation of it is treated like a legitimate business. #wantcancon

6:41 am RobboMills: And not like a pathetic cottage industry. #wantcancon

6:44 am rachlanger: Reading through the #wantcancon tweets and getting marginally depressed.
7:20 am jennicaharper: Fund movies & series with a strong genre. Full-on comedy, rom-com, action, sci-fi. Not the apologetic versions of same. #wantcancon

8:18 am madpulpbastard: RT @wilzmak: I repeat. There is no Canadian content, only Canadian EXECUTION. And that should be promoted, celebrated, & encouraged. #wantCancon

9:13 am DecencyLegion: RT @wilzmak: Govt. should not promote Canadian stories, themes, content. They should promote *Canadians.* #wantcancon >> Wilz nails it!

2:54 pm rossmckie: RT @Gharv: +1 - RT @wilzmak: : Gov. should not promote Canadian stories, themes, content, etc. They should promote *Canadians.* Full stop. #wantcancon

3:23 pm wcdixon: RT @carolinegodin Also think simulcast as is is antiquated. Either grant to any channel regardless of tier or eliminate. #wantcancon

3:23 pm wcdixon: RT @RobboMills Treat it like a true "industry" & give a reason for banks & other deep pockets to play for profit. #wantcancon

3:27 pm wcdixon: RT @RobboMills Cdn Content will find a world wide audience when the creation of it is treated like a legitimate business. #wantCancon

3:28 pm wcdixon: RT @jennicaharper Fund movies & series with strong genre. Full-on comedy, rom-com, action, sci-fi. Not the apologetic versions. #wantCancon

3:31 pm wcdixon: Keep listing suggestions/strategies for increasing demand/visibility of Canadian content at #wantCancon - while keeping Japan in thoughts.

3:36 pm wcdixon: RT @BrentPiaskoski If showrunners ran TV not people who fill out the tax credit forms there'd be more shows Cdns want to watch. #wantCancon

3:43 pm Gharv: +1 - RT @wcdixon:RT @RobboMills Treat it like a true industry & give a reason for banks & other deep pockets to play for profit. #wantcancon

3:56 pm filipterlecki: Dear #wantCancon - Create more opportunities for emerging writers + young content creators. Creative Incubators, mentorships etc

3:58 pm filipterlecki: Think globally not small town locally #wantCancon

4:10 pm inkcanada: catching up with bemusement on #wantcancon thread. A discussion about Canadian Content - spirit, policy & reality. By CanCon creators.

4:10 pm RobboMills: @inkcanada Yeah - we're baring a teeth a little - which is good. :) #wantcancon

4:12 pm garryoakgirl: @Gharv @wcdixon @RobboMills Ok then - let the privates compete (except kids & news), no minimum Cancon, but pay for privilege 1/2 #wantcancon

4:13 pm inkcanada: @RobboMills I'm most impressed by the ubiquitous, subtextual (??) bash of the Cultural agenda. The *other* source of CanCon. #wantCanCon

4:13 pm garryoakgirl: @Gharv @wcdixon @RobboMills No funds, but $ goes to CBC for a Ch4-like outlet with separate operation outside of T.O. - 24/7 Cdn. #wantcancon

4:15 pm inkcanada: and because I find the topic late, I wonder if you've already baldly, honestly addressed Concept - protectionism, #wantcancon creators?

4:17 pm garryoakgirl: @wilzmak Mandated by whom - Govt? B'casters? Much depends on who is doing that. Where do you see barrier? #wantCancon

4:18 pm RobboMills: @garryoakgirl @Gharv @wcdixon Whatever alternative is created it needs to be sustainable & not play role of gatekeeper. #wantcancon

4:19 pm RobboMills: @garryoakgirl @Gharv @wcdixon Investment incentives will draw funding from sources interested in profit. #wantcancon

4:19 pm RobboMills: @garryoakgirl @Gharv @wcdixon Not subsidized pseudo profit. #wantcancon

4:19 pm rossmckie: RT @Gharv: +1 - RT @wcdixon:RT @RobboMills Treat it like a true industry & give a reason for banks & other deep pockets to play for profit. #wantcancon

4:20 pm garryoakgirl: @RobboMills @Gharv @wcdixon Fewer than 6% of Hollywood productionss ever make a profit. Want to play in that pool? #wantcancon

4:21 pm RobboMills: @garryoakgirl @Gharv @wcdixon Added incentives for content "deemed Canadian" sounds good but impossible to meaningfully quantify. #wantcancon

4:22 pm RobboMills: @garryoakgirl @Gharv @wcdixon Yeah! It's a risky fucking business. #wantcancon

4:22 pm garryoakgirl: @RobboMills @Gharv @wcdixon There will always be some kind of gatekeeper. #wantcancon

4:23 pm NilsSorensen: Sounds good on paper, but creative that must "speak to Canadians" doesn't always equal business/critical success. #wantCancon

4:24 pm RobboMills: @inkcanada @klashton27 @garryoakgirl I keep referring back to report Francis Fox wrote before birth of Telefilm. No one remembers it. #wantcancon

4:25 pm RobboMills: @garryoakgirl @Gharv @wcdixon Yes - but make gatekeepers about business - not deciding if MY content is Canadian. #wantcancon

4:26 pm NilsSorensen: If series/movie is creatively accessible and enjoyable when compared to US creative, it will speak to Canadians by default. #wantCancon

4:26 pm RobboMills: @garryoakgirl @Gharv @wcdixon If gatekeepers of $$ operate from a "fund" there is immediately limited resources. #wantcancon

4:27 pm garryoakgirl: @RobboMills @Gharv @wcdixon Problem is that if NOT "cultural", biz could come under NAFTA, and then we're screwed #wantcancon

4:27 pm RobboMills: @garryoakgirl @Gharv @wcdixon Changing investment rules to encourage private $ opens up larger sums for greater quantity & quality #wantcancon

4:27 pm garryoakgirl: @RobboMills @Gharv @wcdixon And every govt wants to stamp its philosophy on "culture" and creates policy to reflect that. #wantcancon

4:28 pm fatone: @inkcanada Interesting thread. If I were on my desktop Twitter client, I'd chime in. (Mobile is too restrictive.) #wantcancon

4:28 pm RobboMills: @garryoakgirl @Gharv @wcdixon We're already screwed! We've been screwed for the past 30 years. #wantcancon

4:29 pm RobboMills: @garryoakgirl @Gharv @wcdixon This should NOT be a vehicle for Government Posing. Treat it like a business! #wantcancon

4:30 pm RobboMills: I need more coffee. Or maybe some laudanum. #wantcancon

4:31 pm klashton27: Most frustrating part of about #wantCanCon convo! RT @inkcanada: @debnathan @klashton27 Bloody 140 characters, right? lol

4:33 pm inkcanada: @klashton27 we'll do an email one (starting to video them as well) so I'll send Q's well in advance - u get to as you can, deal? #wantcancon

4:33 pm RobboMills: You want govt policy that'll have true impact on growing an audience for CanCon? Regulate distribs like radio. Good luck on that. #wantcancon

4:36 pm inkcanada: @RobboMills lol and perhaps change fed funding thereof #wantcancon

4:40 pm inkcanada: @klashton27 (stoked, we're over due for you, thank you thank you et merci) #writers #wantcancon #cdnfilm #cdntv #cdndigital

4:48 pm RobboMills: @inkcanada I dunno. It worked for the music industry - but theatrical distribs here are so in the pocket of US studios. #wantcancon

4:48 pm RobboMills: @inkcanada And the broadcast environment is in meltdown like the music industry as it absorbs into the net. #wantcancon

4:50 pm RobboMills: @inkcanada Any insistence on an agency =-run funding process is going to hold us back as new online distrib channels open. #wantcancon

4:52 pm inkcanada: @RobboMills I feel that's a good thing. every crisis is an opp #wantcancon

4:54 pm inkcanada: @RobboMills perhaps, but only if creators & producers continue to rely on ineffective systems. Creative biz models also flawed #wantcancon

5:02 pm inkcanada: @RobboMills 'deemed Canadian' agree whose definition? Postal code politics vs mass appeal. @garryoakgirl @Gharv @wcdixon #wantcancon

5:08 pm RobboMills: @inkcanada Agreed - creative biz models need to work as business not cultural handouts - encourage investment - money follows #wantcancon

5:09 pm wcdixon: Love the input, a complicated issue, but keep in mind #wantCancon discussion trying to focus on increasing demand and visibility of Canadian content.

5:09 pm RobboMills: @inkcanada And there IS a pantload of opportunity in these current crises. :) #wantcancon

5:12 pm debnathan: ?@DecencyLegion: RT @wilzmak: Gov. should not promote Canadian stories, themes, content. They should promote *Canadians.* #wantcancon >> Yes

5:15 pm debnathan: ?RT @RobboMills Cdn Content will find a world wide audience when the creation of it is treated like a legitimate business. #wantCancon?

5:20 pm wcdixon: Its always a debate between culture & policy & business, which ties to demand and visibility. #wantCancon

5:20 pm ZaNiaCmedic: For anyone interested, I have created a Yahoo! Group for #wantcancon at . Not ltd to 140 ch.

5:29 pm heywriterboy: Odd thing abt #wantCancon thread is I feel I have little to chime in that's new. I kinda ranted abt this for 5 yrs. I'm tired.

5:29 pm HowDoWeFeel: RT @heywriterboy Odd thing abt #wantCancon thread is I feel I have little to chime in that's new. I kinda ranted abt this for 5 yrs.

5:31 pm heywriterboy: But if I was advising CMF & Telefilm on #WantCancon, I'd say, "Go to L.A. & ask CDN expats to talk about contempt they experienced before they left."

5:34 pm heywriterboy: Convos I had in L.A. with expat writers should shame any CDN culturecrat. We hate creatives, drive them out, & then ask,"Why no success?" #WantCancon

5:57 pm ZaNiaCmedic: RT @wilzmak: Gov. should not promote Canadian stories, themes, content. They should promote *Canadians.* #wantcancon

5:57 pm prairiecunning: RT @heywriterboy: Convos I had in L.A. w. writers should shame any CDN culturecrat. We hate creatives, drive them out, & then ask,"why no success?" #WantCancon

6:08 pm DecencyLegion: One #wantCancon snag is that people with indexed pensions are managing the lives of artists who will never earn enough to retire (1/2)

6:10 pm DecencyLegion: System needs to feed those who create content not they who would define it or see it as an onerous cost of doing business. #wantCancon (2/2)

6:14 pm prairiecunning: RT @DecencyLegion: System needs to feed those who create content not they who would define it or see it as an onerous cost of doing business. #wantCancon (2/2)

6:47 pm seetsirbas: RT @heywriterboy: Convos I had in L.A. w. writers should shame any CDN culturecrat. We hate creatives, drive them out, & then ask,"why no success?" #WantCancon

7:00 pm seetsirbas: RT @RobboMills: Canadian Content will assert itself & find a world wide audience when the creation of it is treated like a legitimate business. #wantcancon

7:00 pm seetsirbas: RT @RobboMills: And not like a pathetic cottage industry. #wantcancon

8:33 pm debnathan: @garryoakgirl Isn't this #wantCanCon discussion about radical change?

8:47 pm wcdixon: RT @NilsSorensen: Sounds good on paper, but creative that must "speak to Canadians" doesn't always equal business/critical success. #wantCancon

9:20 pm wilzmak: Wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn? RT @garryoakgirl: Fewer than 6% of Hollywood prods ever make a profit. Want to play in that pool? #wantcancon

9:37 pm wcdixon: On Friday Telefilm/CMF announced initiative to increase Cancon demand/visibility - we're discussing it here #wantCancon

9:42 pm wcdixon: Lots of great ideas and input on increasing demand and visibiity of Canadian content for film/TV/web ...keep chiming in at #wantCancon

9:44 pm garryoakgirl: @debnathan Trust me, I am all for radical change, but folks need to understand exactly what it will mean. #wantCanCon

9:49 pm wcdixon: Want to increase visibiity of Canadian content? Easy answer but make more of it, then promote it, then show/screen more often in more places. #wantCancon

9:51 pm wcdixon: Want to increase demand for Canadian content? Make more of it, show/screen more often, and promote shit out of it - SAY it's 'must see'. #wantCancon

10:34 pm wcdixon: .@debnathan So if not enough TV timeslots available or movie screens available, is it a policy or a business problem? #wantCancon

10:39 pm wcdixon: .@heywriterboy Even tho you blogged the #wantCancon topic to death you should still chime in. Blog can = soapbox. Twitter a group exchange?

March 14, 2011

12:22 am wcdixon: Get in on this discussion @HartHanson - they'll listen to you talking up #wantCancon

12:26 am weinmanj: @wcdixon re #WantCanCon is it reminds me of what cable networks in the US went through. They didn't just, zap, start making watchable shows

12:50 am wcdixon: As per @weinmanj are we too unrealistic (our shows should be as popular as US hits)? Or too pessimistic (we'll never be as good)? #wantCancon

12:52 am wcdixon: RT @HartHanson I want credit for screaming bout this stuff a decade ago. On the other hand so was everyone else, so, forget it. #wantCancon

12:52 am heywriterboy: CDN writers I've met who've gone to L.A. aren't more talented. They aren't always more successful. But they are more at peace. #wantcancon

12:57 am wcdixon: Let me try another tact - if you could implement ONE change to our industry in order to increase demand & visibility what would that be? #wantCancon

1:05 am daeganf: @wcdixon Let me tell a good story, regardless of where it's set and who it is about. #wantCancon

1:18 am wcdixon: RT @macFaddo star. system. RT @JasonChesworth what @macFaddo said. #wantCancon re: one change to increase demand/visibility of Cdn content.

1:20 am wcdixon: RT @debnathan Solution is networks pay for PNI without govt handouts/subsidies. Ratings/ad revenue become important, so better quality. #wantCancon

1:58 am wcdixon: RT @weinmanj It seems a business incentive will produce better programming than a 'keep your license' incentive... #wantCancon

2:00 am wcdixon: RT @weinmanj Compare how better kids programming was produced for business reasons than to comply w/ educational requirements. #wantCancon

4:37 am garnerhaines: RT @heywriterboy: CDN writers I've met who've gone to L.A. aren't more talented. They aren't always more successful. But they are more at peace. #wantcancon

4:37 am garnerhaines: RT @wcdixon: RT @HartHanson I want credit for screaming bout this stuff a decade ago. On the other hand so was everyone else, so, forget it. #wantCancon

6:44 am monagrenier: Government funding somehow based on viewership, not just on $ spent or "Canadianness" #wantCancon

1:33 pm srk_to: Excellent! RT @wcdixon: ..great ideas & input on increasing demand & visibiity of Cdn content for film/TV/web...keep chiming in at #wantCancon

1:42 pm cartoondutchie: I think where I'm confused is what Telefilm/CMF is trying to accomplish - promotion to B2B market or B2C market? #wantCancon

1:43 pm cartoondutchie: is the identified need awareness to get companies to buy our content, or get consumers to buy our content? #wantCancon

1:50 pm srk_to: @klashton27 The #wantCancon conversation is a good example of the follow-up needed -producers, etc. on how best to promote their own content

1:52 pm klashton27: @srk_to you may want to note that most of those in the #wantCanCon (and the originator of the hashtag) are creators rather than producers

1:58 pm srk_to: Thnx - stand corrcted! RT @klashton27: @srk_to ..most of those in #wantCanCon (& the originator of hashtag) are creators rather than producers

2:05 pm wcdixon: @klashton27 @cartoondutchie All questions will be answered in April! But we can still try to answer #wantCancon

2:11 pm cartoondutchie: @srk_to @klashton27 to be honest, I'm not sure how many Producers are even on twitter personally (other than IDM/gaming) #wantCanCon

2:11 pm wcdixon: Telefilm/CMF announcing initiative to increase Cancon demand and visibility - - we're discussing it here #wantCancon

2:12 pm wcdixon: Lots of good ideas/suggestions for increasing demand and visibiity of Canadian content for film/TV/web ...keep chiming in at #wantCancon

2:14 pm EmilyClaireAfan: RT @wcdixon: Lots of good ideas/suggestions for increasing demand and visibiity of Canadian content for film/TV/web ...keep chiming in at #wantCancon

2:15 pm motionpix: I think one must first understand the cancon 'brand' & what it inadvertantly represents to the public #wantCancon

2:16 pm wcdixon: RT @monagrenier Government funding somehow based on viewership, not just on $ spent or "Canadianness". #wantCancon

2:17 pm jill380: RT @wcdixon: Telefilm/CMF announcing initiative to increase Cancon demand and visibility - - we're discussing it here #wantCancon

2:19 pm amber_dowling: RT @wcdixon: Lots of good ideas/suggestions for increasing demand and visibiity of Canadian content for film/TV/web ...keep chiming in at #wantCancon

2:21 pm motionpix: RT @DecencyLegion: One #wantCancon snag is that people with indexed pensions are managing the lives of artists who will never earn enough to retire (1/2)

2:24 pm wcdixon: An aside re: at #wantCancon - most of the 'ways to increase demand/visibility of Cancon' tweets coming from writer/creators, not producers.

2:30 pm wcdixon: I also asked this question at #wantCancon: if you could implement ONE change to our industry to help increase demand/visibility what would that be?

2:31 pm klashton27: @wcdixon Get rid of simulcast so Cdn broadcasters are dependent on Cdn programming and have incentives to make it profitable #wantCancon

2:32 pm klashton27: @wcdixon least in theory - what makes sense to us doesn't always make sense to Cdn broadcasters. #wantCancon

2:44 pm heywriterboy: @wcdixon When was last time you heard of a CDN Producer forced to go south cuz of lack of opportunity? Not being glib. Really wonder. #wantcancon

2:47 pm rossmckie: RT @wcdixon: Telefilm/CMF announcing initiative to increase Cancon demand and visibility - - we're discussing it here #wantCancon

2:50 pm debnathan: @klashton27 @wcdixon Thought simulcast tied to ad revenue. #wantCanCon

2:50 pm rossmckie: I actually had a #wantCancon dream last night. The hashtag called me on my cell. I said, "Well, I'm always her? (cont)

2:51 pm debnathan: @heywriterboy @wcdixon Don't get me started DMc. #wantCanCon

3:00 pm allthethinks: Aside from Film Centre- VERY few places for new writers to break in and gain experience, even when samples show promise. #wantCancon

3:04 pm allthethinks: 1st development internship in '05, I read scripts that hadn't seen eyes in 2 yrs. When it ended, next unpaid student brought in. #wantCancon

3:07 pm heywriterboy: .@carolinegodin Yet it's producers who often lead the charge toward the "bring back U.S. based CDN talent" & push 8/10 reductions... #wantcancon

3:09 pm allthethinks: How much did it actually cost to produce Kids in the Hall? I'm curious. #wantCancon

3:11 pm wcdixon: RT @carolinegodin Networks offering deals now making it impossible to break even let alone profit. No $$ for development anymore. #wantCancon

3:14 pm Gharv: So much time talking about fixing a system that is truly terminal? Rethink. Envelopes for webcasters run by content creators? #wantcancon

3:16 pm Gharv: +1 RT@carolinegodin Networks offering deals now making it impossible to break even let alone profit. No $ for development anymore. #wantCancon

3:19 pm allthethinks: With @Gharv I only watch traditional cable 2X a year when I visit my parents. The rest- online. Everything is in flux. #wantCancon

3:23 pm timstubinski: As a writer/creator who listens to the trials and tribulations producers deal with here to get things made, enjoying the subject #wantCancon

3:32 pm klashton27: @cartoondutchie @heywriterboy @srk_to That explains FB which is more push than convo - they're afraid of the convo (?) #wantCancon

3:34 pm wcdixon: A #wantCancon fix - remove value in logs for nets airing old Canadian TV shows/movies (Littlest Hobo gets same % credit for CTV as Hiccups).

3:34 pm wcdixon: This constant rerunning of old Cdn TV shows only reinforces negative 'Cancon' brand to general public...kills demand for more. #wantCancon

3:34 pm NormBolen: #wantcancon It is a great idea to make Canadians more aware of all the great shows and movies made by Canadian producers.

3:39 pm NormBolen: #wantCancon There is nothing wrong with rerunning Canadian shows. Sometimes reruns larger audience than original. A viewer is a viewer.

3:39 pm wcdixon: @NormBolen The #wantCancon thread isn't about making Canadians more aware of our shows but discussing 'how' to increase visibility/demand.

3:40 pm jasonjkee: In my view, any solution that focuses on Cdn b'casters or BDUs is at best a short-term solution... #wantcancon

3:41 pm jasonjkee: Rather, focus should be on leveraging global economy, promoting Cdn content to global market over domestic markets. #wantcancon

3:45 pm carolinegodin: @NormBolen I think running super old shows diminishes demand for newer ones, especially if they count same same in logs for way less $ #wantcancon

3:46 pm carolinegodin: @jasonjkee Jason, agree re: global but unless doing a treaty co-pro, you need to finance out of Canada/US to get shows made today. #wantcancon

3:48 pm wcdixon: @NormBolen Visibility can lead to awareness which can lead to demand....agreed. So listing ways at #wantCancon to achieve more visibility.

3:49 pm carolinegodin: @wcdixon Tax credits were orignally meant to build prodco infrastructure, foster development, bonus to not part of show budget. #wantcancon

3:50 pm HoboLittlest: .@wcdixon Solution clearly Hobo/Hiccups crossover. Ready to work. Still house trained; can Paul Gross say same? Woof. #WantCancon

3:51 pm carolinegodin: @wcdixon We're facing same situation UK prodcos did few years back, broadcasters essentially getting shows/dist rights for free. #wantcancon

3:53 pm srk_to: The sequel! RT @HoboLittlest: Solution .. Hobo/Hiccups crossover-Ready to work-Still house trained-can Paul Gross say same? Woof #WantCancon

3:54 pm cartoondutchie: @NormBolen Not the digital media products? :( #wantcancon

3:56 pm HoboLittlest: @carolinegodin @flashpoint_tv Hobo have no problem double dipping. Take multivitamin every day. Coat shiny; teeth strong. Woof. #wantCancon

3:59 pm EmilyClaireAfan: Great discussion happening over at the #wantCancon thread in response to Telefilm and #CMF's latest initiative:

4:14 pm cartoondutchie: IDM/gaming peeps: @jasonjkee and I seem to be the only ones commenting in #wantCancon in response to please participate!

4:14 pm EmilyClaireAfan: RT @cartoondutchie: IDM/gaming peeps: @jasonjkee and I seem to be the only ones commenting in #wantCancon in response to plz participate!

4:20 pm motionpix: How to raise demand #wantCancon comes down to hard work: positioning, build relationship w audience, marketing, promotion. No secret.

4:30 pm klashton27: Having a mother/daughter shopping March Break vacay day - way more fun than trying to solve #wantCancon

4:31 pm EgoAnt: IDM/gaming peeps: @jasonjkee & @cartoondutchie seem to be the only ones responding to plz participate! #wantCancon

4:45 pm frasermills: Call me callous, but if international demand was greater than domestic, that's ok. As long as industry is healthy, well funded. #WantCancon

4:51 pm wcdixon: RT @NormBolen Increasing visibility is another way of saying make Canadians more aware. Awareness leads to demand. #wantCancon

4:51 pm realjdwoodward: RT @wcdixon: RT @NormBolen Increasing visibility is another way of saying make Canadians more aware. Awareness leads to demand. #wantCancon

4:52 pm wcdixon: RT @frasermills If international demand was greater than domestic, that's okay. As long as industry is healthy, well funded. #wantCancon

4:52 pm jill380: RT @jaybushman i was just saying last night that for next year, instead of another #SXStarwars we should do #SXDegrassi. #wantcancon

4:53 pm srk_to: @garryoakgirl About time you put your 2 cents into #wantCancon

4:56 pm carolinegodin: @Gharv Not sure I agree. Our stories as currently defined by CM, no. But broaden the idea of what Canadian is and yes, they do. #wantcancon

5:01 pm wcdixon: Contrary to popular opinion Cancon brand NOT improved by 6 point shows like The Tudors. General public say: That's not Canadian. #wantCancon

5:03 pm carolinegodin: @wcdixon I don't think most civilians even know The Tudors is technically Canadian #wantcancon

5:03 pm Gharv: Ok listen to Patti Smith's 'Ain't it Strange' from Radio Ethiopia. For no other reason than it's good to dig it up! But still #wantCancon

5:04 pm frasermills: @wcdixon 6-point system is a good way to limit the amount of Cancon in our Cancon. Broadcasters benefit more than anyone else. #wantCancon

5:08 pm frasermills: @carolinegodin True, but lack of domestic demand for Cancon makes it harder to fuel private interest, int'l demand would help. #wantCancon

5:14 pm wcdixon: @frasermills Exactly. B'casters/producers/funders say 6 point shows increase visibility/demand but public don't perceive as Cdn. #wantCancon

5:23 pm garryoakgirl: @srk_to Hey! I'm on holiday... ;) #wantCancon

5:25 pm frasermills: @carolinegodin Very true. Hopefully #CMF announcement is step in right direction towards building stronger domestic industry. #wantCancon

5:46 pm wcdixon: RT @gregobr Cdn broadcasters need their own original content. Renting others' shows won't work as a business for much longer. #wantCancon

5:46 pm MrBobKerr: RT @wcdixon: RT @gregobr Cdn broadcasters need their own original content. Renting others' shows won't work as a business for much longer. #wantCancon

6:31 pm wcdixon: I 'get' this article & understand problem but stealing is still stealing...there's no honour among thieves. #wantCancon

6:37 pm carolaparnell: RT @EgoAnt: IDM/gaming peeps: @jasonjkee & @cartoondutchie seem to be the only ones responding to plz participate! #wantCancon

7:23 pm russellmcormond: @klashton27 Do you know if someone has blogged origins of #wantCancon ? Is it about CRTC/etc CanCon rules, or creation/access to CanCon?

7:28 pm russellmcormond: @jasonjkee We agree. Many of us want to move away from BDU's to alternatives for distribution, but still #wantcancon to be available!

7:28 pm russellmcormond: RT @jasonjkee: In my view, any solution that focuses on Cdn b'casters or BDUs is at best a short-term solution... #wantcancon

7:28 pm russellmcormond: RT @jasonjkee: Rather, focus should be on leveraging global economy, promoting Cdn content to global market over domestic #wantcancon

7:29 pm wcdixon: @russellmcormond #wantCancon started with me as response to Telefilm/CMF initiative to increase demand/visibility -

7:32 pm wcdixon: @russellmcormond #wantCancon was about looking for ways to increase Cancon visibility/demand but has expanded to include creation & rules.

7:47 pm klashton27: @russellmcormond #wantCancon was started by @wcdixon in response to a particularly vague Telefilm/CMF release on Friday re promoting CanCon

7:48 pm russellmcormond: RT @wcdixon: @russellmcormond #wantCancon started with me as response to Telefilm/CMF initiative to increase demand/visibility -

7:49 pm russellmcormond: RT @wcdixon: @russellmcormond #wantCancon started off looking for ways to increase Cancon visibility/demand but has expanded to include creation & rules.

8:14 pm wilzmak: #wantCancon on the film side, Telefilm could get out of prod financing & into P&A deals with distribs, based on guaranteed bookings = visibility

8:21 pm wcdixon: RT @prairiecunning Telefilm gets out of features and puts $ toward P&A/Marketing/Events and new platforms other than theatrical. #wantCancon

8:24 pm russellmcormond: .@klashton27 @wcdixon Curious what you think about the comments at @DecencyLegion @tv_eh #wantCancon #WantToPay4Cancon

8:29 pm russellmcormond: @wcdixon (Not stealing ) Is it helpful to complain ppl not paying when content not for sale? #wantCancon

8:35 pm prairiecunning: RT @wilzmak: #wantCancon on the film side, TF could get out of prod financing & into P&A deals with distribs, based on guaranteed bookings = visibility.

8:57 pm srk_to: #wantCancon Excellent level of discussion - your points will be pondered.

9:03 pm wilzmak: #wantCancon Question 1: how many US programs would bcasters buy if there were no sim-sub?

9:04 pm wilzmak: #wantCancon question 2: how would they attract eyeballs without it?

9:14 pm camdocorg: Popping the bubble( thinking outside the canconcastle in the air) is one of the few ways we can make people #wantcancon. Talk to people!!

9:15 pm wcdixon: The #wantCancon discussion should begin with questioning legal definition of a 'Canadian program', including 6pt system

9:22 pm wcdixon: @wilzmak No idea how many they'd buy if no sim-sub but guess it'd resemble CBC model, a few US shows lead into more Cdn shows? #wantCancon

9:27 pm wilzmak: @wcdixon they would buy more cable shows (FX, Comedy Cent, etc) and they would be competing with US bcast, just like cable... #wantCancon

9:27 pm frasermills: Fraser Institute, eh? They sound reputable! RT @wcdixon #wantCancon discussion should begin w/ questioning legal def'n of 'Canadian program'

9:28 pm wilzmak: @wcdixon ad rates would go down, but Flashpoint's 1.5 million viewers would become meaningful rather than an afterthought. #wantCancon

9:33 pm magelly: @wcdixon I wouldn't get involved in semantics, except where it pertains to funding. Reminds me of those jurisdictional debates. #wantcancon

9:40 pm wilzmak: Numbers: b-casters spent $846mil on foreign content. $75mil on #wantCancon. Less than 20% of their drama schedule is Canadian.

9:44 pm katiewolfgang: RT @wilzmak: Numbers: b-casters spent $846mil on foreign content. $75mil on #wantCancon. Less than 20% of their drama schedule is Canadian.

9:50 pm wcdixon: @katiewolfgang @wilzmak B'casters can spend that $846mil per year on foreign cuz small Cdn. spend fulfills license conditions. #wantCancon

9:52 pm prairiecunning: RT @wilzmak: Numbers: b-casters spent $846mil on foreign content. $75mil on #wantCancon. Less than 20% of their drama sched is Canadian.

9:52 pm wcdixon: @katiewolfgang @wilzmak And b'casters WILL spend that much on foreign content cuz of sim-sub benefit...& cuz they can afford it. #wantCancon

10:29 pm jasonjkee: @wcdixon @katiewolfgang @wilzmak Seems one of key Qs to consider is how to make bcasters WANT to increase Cdn spend #WantCancon

11:27 pm debnathan: @wcdixon @carolinegodin #wantCanCon They will never change by choice.

11:35 pm motionpix: Agreed @camdocorg Re: Talk to people (audience). Sometimes I get the feeling audience is forgotten in industry debates. #wantCancon

11:54 pm wcdixon: RT @EmilyClaireAfan: Great discussion happening over at the #wantCancon thread in response to Telefilm and #CMF's latest initiative:

March 15, 2011

1:01 am heavy_early: RT @wcdixon: RT @gregobr Cdn broadcasters need their own original content. Renting others' shows won't work as a business for much longer. #wantCancon

1:52 am lifeonqueen: RT @wcdixon: The #wantCancon discussion should begin with questioning legal definition of a 'Canadian program', including 6pt system

1:52 am lifeonqueen: RT @wcdixon: What technically counts as Cdn content vs. what general viewing public thinks or perceives is Cancon are two different things. #wantCancon

3:55 am klashton27: Great evening spent with Endgame and Out With Dad, problem with #WantCancon is clearly not the creativity!

4:08 am wcdixon: Endgame. New series. Showcase. Tonight. #wantCancon

4:37 am EndgameSeries: RT @wcdixon: Endgame. New series. Showcase. Tonight. #wantCancon

1:49 pm wcdixon: #wantCancon "Whose hashtag is this?" "It's a thread" "Whose thread?" "Thread's dead, baby. Thread's dead." #wantCancon

1:51 pm hipchic99: RT @wcdixon: Why wait until April? Why wait for a report to be released a year from now? List strategies for increasing demand visibility at #wantCancon

1:52 pm hipchic99: RT @wcdixon: Seriously, read Telefilm/CMF release and let's start listing strategies to increase demand/visibilty at #wantCancon

2:14 pm hipchic99: RT @inkcanada: catching up with bemusement on #wantcancon thread. A discussion about Canadian Content - spirit, policy & reality. By CanCon creators.

2:49 pm VittoriaCafolla: RT @wcdixon: #wantCancon "Whose hashtag is this?" "It's a thread" "Whose thread?" "Thread's dead, baby. Thread's dead." #wantCancon

6:03 pm DecencyLegion: If "Endgame" is what you get when you #wantCancon that's Beaver and Mountie free, I'm in. Great first show, Endgame guys.

6:25 pm PressPlus1: Want more CanCon? Find out more in our Canadian Film Section on Press+1: #wantCancon

6:56 pm wilzmak: #wantcancon Just in case you thought Canadians were the only ones boohooing about taxes and content:

8:02 pm ZaNiaCmedic: @DecencyLegion I'm the opposite. If that's #wantCancon at its finest, I'm disappointed. I did not like #Endgame at all.

10:34 pm katiewolfgang: The Listener was CTV's highest-rated show last Tuesday, 1.1million RT @tv_eh: Ratings: Week of March 7 #WantCancon

10:34 pm ShaftesburyTV: The Listener was CTV's highest-rated show last Tuesday, 1.1million RT @tv_eh: Ratings: Week of March 7 #WantCancon

10:35 pm tv_eh: RT @ShaftesburyTV: The Listener was CTV's highest-rated show last Tuesday, 1.1million RT @tv_eh: Ratings: Week of March 7 #WantCancon

10:35 pm ennisesmer: RT @listenertv: The Listener was CTV's highest-rated show last Tuesday, 1.1million RT @tv_eh: Ratings: Week of March 7 #WantCancon

10:43 pm TSpencerNairn: RT @listenertv: The Listener was CTV's highest-rated show last Tuesday, 1.1million RT @tv_eh: Ratings: Week of March 7 #WantCancon

10:46 pm _Kiefer: RT @listenertv: The Listener was CTV's highest-rated show last Tuesday, 1.1million RT @tv_eh: Ratings: Week of March 7 #WantCancon

11:11 pm wilzmak: @wcdixon Streaming opens the door to Netflix competitors (output deals with studios) and they know exclusive content is needed. #wantCancon

11:17 pm wcdixon: @madpulpbastard @wilzmak But why do THEY already know exclusive content is needed and b'casters here in Canada STILL don't know! #wantCancon

11:21 pm madpulpbastard: @wcdixon @wilzmak - because they don't NEED to be original when they have simulcasting. They can use someone else's original. #wantcancon

11:55 pm wcdixon: @zaniacmedic @DecencyLegion One could nitpick at some of the setup and logic, but I thought Endgame held a lot of promise. #wantCancon

11:56 pm wcdixon: Hmmm...I wonder if Netflix Canada is going to #wantCancon of the original variety next?

March 16, 2011

1:38 am CaperWheelLady: RT @listenertv: The Listener was CTV's highest-rated show last Tuesday, 1.1million RT @tv_eh: Ratings: Week of March 7 #WantCancon

2:52 am RobboMills: RT @wcdixon: Hmmm...I wonder if Netflix Canada is going to #wantCancon of the original variety next?

3:24 am RainbowFrancks: RT @listenertv: The Listener was CTV's highest-rated show last Tuesday, 1.1million RT @tv_eh: Ratings: Week of March 7 #WantCancon

3:44 am _creeboy: @wcdixon Sarandos' comments about audience recommendations --> social marketing. relevant to your recent conversation. #WantCanCon

March 17, 2011
2:49 pm wcdixon: Written 15 years ago John Harness' "3 Modest Proposals for the Canadian Film Industry" STILL applies today. #wantCancon

3:47 pm weinmanj: RT @wcdixon: Written 15 years ago John Harness' "3 Modest Proposals for the Canadian Film Industry" STILL applies today. #wantCancon

3:49 pm lenmac1: RT @wcdixon: Written 15 years ago John Harness' "3 Modest Proposals for the Canadian Film Industry" STILL applies today. #wantCancon

4:16 pm billybuck: When I get down on being in entertainment I perk myself up with a reminder that I'm not in the airline industry. #wantcancon

8:40 pm wcdixon: Last word for now on #wantCancon thread - 6 year old article sadly summarizes govt. review of Canadian Film Industry.

This is just scratching the surface to be sure - I know a lot more industry people who have ideas or suggestions but didn't see hashtag. And the shortness of tweets makes getting across ones point difficult, but it also keeps things moving and not bogging down in one person hogging the floor as it were.

Finally - this wasn't meant to be an attack on or indictment of the agencies or funds or the Canadian film/TV/web content making system in general, just spurring conversation and dialogue about a subject that means a lot to a lot of us. I hope it can be read with that in mind and taken for what it is...people talking and expressing themselves on Twitter... and that it *all* leads to a successful initiative.

EDIT: Jim Henshaw continues the Telefilm and #wantCancon discussion in a slightly more frustrated and critical (albeit justified) way over HERE...go read, comment, and let's keep talking.

To be continued...


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