Friday, October 30, 2009

With Or Without, You Laugh Track You

Discovered the YouTube sub-genre of adding laugh tracks to serious/intense movie scenes yesterday. Some, including THIS ONE from 'The Dark Night' amused me much...but Friday Fun worthy is the following gem using a scene from 'Pulp Fiction'. Winner!

(Also very entertaining is THIS SCENE from 'Friends' without the laugh track...awk-ward)

Because it makes me smile.

H/T Matt MacLennan


Erin said...

Awesome. Thanks for this, Will! It's always good to see what you're getting into before you get into it.

All the throwing around of ideas in there gets my heart all aflutter. In a good way.

Erin said...

And apparently, and posted my comment to the WRONG post. EPIC social fail. Exile imminent.

*points up one post*